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@ -22,61 +22,125 @@ entity splink is
end entity; end entity;
architecture a of splink is architecture a of splink is
signal driver_out : std_logic;
constant BITS_PER_LED: natural := 24; constant BITS_PER_LED: natural := 24;
subtype color_t is std_logic_vector(BITS_PER_LED-1 downto 0); subtype color_t is std_logic_vector(BITS_PER_LED-1 downto 0);
type strand_store_t is array(0 to MAX_STRAND_LEN) of color_t;
signal strand_store: strand_store_t;
signal led_addr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); type led_data_t is record
signal current_color : color_t; addr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
current_color : color_t;
was_written : std_logic;
end record;
type led_data_arr_t is array(0 to NUM_STRANDS-1) of led_data_t;
signal led_data_arr : led_data_arr_t;
signal active_strand: natural range 0 to NUM_STRANDS-1;
signal num_pixels: natural range 1 to MAX_STRAND_LEN;
signal frame_number: unsigned(31 downto 0);
signal pixels_received: natural range 0 to MAX_STRAND_LEN-1;
type receive_state_t is (FRAME_NUM, STRAND_NUM, DATA, DROP);
signal receive_state : receive_state_t;
begin begin
ws2812_inst: entity work.ws2812 driver_gen: for i in 0 to NUM_STRANDS-1 generate
generic map ( ws2812_inst: entity work.ws2812
NUM_LEDS => MAX_STRAND_LEN, generic map (
T_CLK => 12.5 ns, COLOR_ORDER => "GRB",
T_CLK => 12.5 ns,
T0H => 0.35 us, T0H => 0.35 us,
T0L => 0.8 us, T0L => 0.8 us,
T1H => 0.7 us, T1H => 0.7 us,
T1L => 0.6 us, T1L => 0.6 us,
T_RES => 80 us T_RES => 80 us
) )
port map ( port map (
n_reset => not reset, n_reset => not reset,
clk => clk, clk => clk,
led_addr => led_addr, led_addr => led_data_arr(i).addr,
led_red => current_color(7 downto 0), led_red => led_data_arr(i).current_color(23 downto 16),
led_green => current_color(15 downto 8), led_green => led_data_arr(i).current_color(15 downto 8),
led_blue => current_color(23 downto 16), led_blue => led_data_arr(i).current_color(7 downto 0),
dout => driver_out dout => drivers(i)
); );
-- writer: process(clk)
drivers <= (19 => driver_out, others => '0'); type strand_store_t is array(0 to MAX_STRAND_LEN-1) of color_t;
variable strand_store: strand_store_t;
if rising_edge(clk) then
led_data_arr(i).current_color <= strand_store(to_integer(unsigned(led_data_arr(i).addr)));
writer: process(clk) if udp_valid = '1' and receive_state = DATA and active_strand = i then
variable store_counter: natural range 0 to MAX_STRAND_LEN-1; strand_store(pixels_received) := udp_data(23 downto 0);
if pixels_received = num_pixels - 1 and udp_last = '1' then
led_data_arr(i).was_written <= '1';
end if;
end if;
if frame_done then
led_data_arr(i).was_written <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end generate;
frame_done <= '1';
for i in 0 to NUM_STRANDS-1 loop
if not led_data_arr(i).was_written then
frame_done <= '0';
end if;
end loop;
end process;
fsm: process(clk)
begin begin
if rising_edge(clk) then if rising_edge(clk) then
frame_done <= '0'; if reset then
current_color <= strand_store(to_integer(unsigned(led_addr))); receive_state <= STRAND_NUM;
elsif udp_valid then
if udp_valid then
strand_store(store_counter) <= udp_data(23 downto 0);
if udp_last then if udp_last then
frame_done <= '1'; -- always resynchronize to start of packet
store_counter := 0; receive_state <= STRAND_NUM;
elsif store_counter /= MAX_STRAND_LEN-1 then
store_counter := store_counter + 1;
end if; end if;
case receive_state is
when STRAND_NUM =>
-- TODO udp_length, range check with MAX_STRAND_LEN
num_pixels <= MAX_STRAND_LEN;
-- FIXME bounds check
active_strand <= to_integer(unsigned(udp_data));
receive_state <= FRAME_NUM;
when FRAME_NUM =>
frame_number <= unsigned(udp_data);
pixels_received <= 0;
receive_state <= DATA;
when DATA =>
if pixels_received /= num_pixels - 1 then
pixels_received <= pixels_received + 1;
elsif not udp_last then
-- packet too long
receive_state <= DROP;
end if;
when DROP =>
-- wait until udp_last
end case;
end if; end if;
end if; end if;
end process; end process;