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\section{Contents of the flash drive}
This section outlines the contents of the flash drive, which are two folders
``AB`` and ``DP``, one containg the files of Armin Brauns and one for Daniel
Plank respectively.
\subsection{Armin Brauns}
\item \texttt{external/}: External dependencies as submodules
\item \texttt{firmware/}: See \texttt{firmare/README.md}
\item \texttt{sim/}: GHDL wave options and GTKWave save files for test bench
\item \texttt{tests/}: High-level tests
\item \texttt{formal/}: SymbiYosys formal verification tests
\item \texttt{riscv-compliance-target/}: YARM target for RISC-V compliance
test suite
\item \texttt{vhdl/}: All VHDL code
\item \texttt{components/}: Various SoC components
\item \texttt{core/}: The YARM processor core
\item \texttt{memories/}: Various memory primitives, tweaked to work with
\item \texttt{simulation/}: Simulation models for primitives and external
\item \texttt{tests/}: Test benches
\subsection{Daniel Plank}
\begin{tabular}{| c | r |}
\textbf{Directory} & \textbf{Contents}\\
code & Code sampkes written for this thesis\\
dipl & The source code for this thesis in \LaTeX\\
documents & Datasheets and documents referenced in this thesis\\
MS1 & The original milestone test plans, high level design and documents for MS1\\
schematics & Schematics for KiCAD used in this thesis\\
textadv & The textadventure written for the hardware peripherials\\
\caption{Contents of the DP directory on the flash drive}