#![warn(clippy::pedantic)] use std::{ f32::consts::FRAC_PI_2, io::stdout, net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr, UdpSocket}, thread::sleep, time::Duration, }; use clap::Parser; use image::{Pixel, Rgb, RgbImage}; use rand::Rng; use splink_client::{Layout, send_frame}; /// Blinkenwall v3 prototype client #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Args { /// Timeout in ms for frame completion responses (0 to disable) #[clap(long, default_value_t = 3)] response_timeout: u64, /// Local address and port to bind to #[clap(long = "bind")] bind_addr: Option, /// Controller's address remote_addr: SocketAddr, } fn get_frame(layout: Layout, frame: u32) -> RgbImage { #![allow( clippy::cast_precision_loss, clippy::cast_lossless, clippy::cast_possible_truncation, clippy::cast_sign_loss )] let w = layout.width_px(); let h = layout.height_px(); let frame = frame % 60; let frame = frame as f32 / 3.0; RgbImage::from_fn(w, h, |x, y| { let dist_from_center = { let x = x as f32; let y = y as f32; let center_x = w as f32 / 2.0; let center_y = h as f32 / 2.0; ((x - center_x).powf(2.0) + (y - center_y).powf(2.0)).sqrt() }; let radius = frame.powf(1.8); let dist_from_radius = dist_from_center - radius; let dist = 0.3 * dist_from_radius; Rgb([100, 0, 100]).map(|x| { (if dist < 0.0 { (1.0 - (dist.abs() / 10.0)).max(0.0) } else { dist.min(FRAC_PI_2).cos() } * x as f32) as u8 }) }) } fn print_image(image: &RgbImage) { let _hide = termion::cursor::HideCursor::from(stdout()); print!("{}", termion::cursor::Goto(1, 1)); for row in image.rows() { for &Rgb([r, g, b]) in row { print!("{} ", termion::color::Rgb(r, g, b).bg_string()); } println!("{}", termion::color::Reset.bg_str()); } } fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let args = Args::parse(); let bind_addr = args .bind_addr .unwrap_or_else(|| (Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED, 0).into()); let socket = UdpSocket::bind(bind_addr)?; socket.connect(args.remote_addr)?; socket.set_read_timeout(match args.response_timeout { 0 => None, t => Some(Duration::from_millis(t)), })?; let layout = Layout { gang_len: 8, num_gangs: 32, num_panels_h: 6, num_panels_v: 1, }; for frame in 0.. { let image = get_frame(layout, frame); print_image(&image); let frame_num: u32 = rand::thread_rng().gen(); send_frame(&socket, layout, frame_num, &image)?; sleep(Duration::from_millis(16)); } let image = RgbImage::from_fn(96, 64, |_x, y| { [Rgb([0, 3, 1]), Rgb([1, 3, 0]), Rgb([3, 0, 1])][y as usize % 3] }); Ok(()) }