
119 lines
4.2 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import AoC
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Maybe
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Text.Read.Lex
data Instruction = Nop Int | Acc Int | Jmp Int deriving (Show)
data MemoryCell = MemoryCell { instruction :: Instruction
, executed :: Bool
deriving (Show)
type Memory s = STArray s Int MemoryCell
data Machine s = Machine { pc :: Int
, acc :: Int
, memory :: Memory s
data RunError = OutOfRange | WouldLoop | Breakpoint deriving (Show)
type MachineRunner s = Machine s -> ExceptT RunError (ST s) (Machine s)
parseInstruction :: ReadP Instruction
parseInstruction = choice [ Nop <$> parseIns "nop"
, Acc <$> parseIns "acc"
, Jmp <$> parseIns "jmp"
where parseIns name = string name >> char ' ' >> parseNumber
parseNumber = do
sign <- option '+' (choice $ map char $ "+-")
num <- readDecP
return $ case sign of
'+' -> num
'-' -> -num
newMemory :: [Instruction] -> ST s (Memory s)
newMemory insns = newListArray (0, length insns-1) $ [MemoryCell { instruction = ins, executed = False } | ins <- insns]
newMachine :: [Instruction] -> ST s (Machine s)
newMachine insns = do
mem <- newMemory insns
return $ Machine { pc = 0, acc = 0, memory = mem }
stepMachine :: Machine s -> ST s (Machine s)
stepMachine m = do
cell <- readArray (memory m) (pc m)
writeArray (memory m) (pc m) $ cell { executed = True }
(pcF, accF) <- case instruction cell of
Nop _ -> return ((+1), id)
Acc i -> return ((+1), (+i))
Jmp i -> return ((+i), id)
let newPc = pcF $ pc m
newAcc = accF $ acc m
return $ m { pc = newPc, acc = newAcc }
runUnless :: (Machine s -> MaybeT (ST s) RunError) -> MachineRunner s -> MachineRunner s
runUnless p stepper m = do
res <- lift $ runMaybeT $ p m
case res of
Nothing -> stepper m
Just e -> throwE e
breakOnLoop :: MachineRunner s -> MachineRunner s
breakOnLoop = runUnless alreadyExecuted
where alreadyExecuted m =
do cell <- lift $ readArray (memory m) (pc m)
unless (executed cell) empty
return WouldLoop
breakOnAddr :: Int -> MachineRunner s -> MachineRunner s
breakOnAddr addr = runUnless $ fetchFrom addr
where fetchFrom addr m =
do unless (pc m == addr) empty
return Breakpoint
runUntilError :: MachineRunner s -> Machine s -> ST s (RunError, Int, Int)
runUntilError step m = do
result <- runExceptT $ step m
case result of
Right m' -> runUntilError step m'
Left e -> return (e, (pc m), (acc m))
part1 :: [Instruction] -> Int
part1 is = fromJust $ runST $ runMaybeT $ do
(WouldLoop, _, acc) <- lift $ newMachine is >>= runUntilError stepper
return acc
where stepper = breakOnLoop (lift . stepMachine)
tryTerminate :: Machine s -> MaybeT (ST s) Int
tryTerminate m = do
breakpoint <- fmap (\(_, max) -> max + 1) $ lift $ getBounds (memory m)
(Breakpoint, _, acc) <- lift $ runUntilError (stepper breakpoint) m
return acc
where stepper b = breakOnAddr b . breakOnLoop $ (lift . stepMachine)
jmpNopFlips :: [Instruction] -> [[Instruction]]
jmpNopFlips [] = []
jmpNopFlips (x:xs) = case x of
Jmp i -> (Nop i:xs) : rest
Nop i -> (Jmp i:xs) : rest
_ -> rest
where rest = (x:) <$> jmpNopFlips xs
part2 :: [Instruction] -> Int
part2 instructions = fromJust $ msum $ runST $ mapM testInstructions possibleInstructions
where testInstructions is = runMaybeT $ lift (newMachine is) >>= tryTerminate
possibleInstructions = instructions : jmpNopFlips instructions
main = runAoC (map (fromJust . oneCompleteResult parseInstruction) . lines) part1 part2