Tyrolyean d620d39bdf
This commit concludes the development phase of this thesis as the deadline set
in 10 hours from now comes closer and closer and I want to sleep at one point
as well. Probably not gonna be awake until then. Either this is going out well
one way or the other we will see... FUCK COMMIT MESSAGES!

Signed-off-by: Tyrolyean <tyrolyean@tyrolyean.net>
2020-04-01 02:37:52 +02:00

57 lines
1.7 KiB

\section{Contents of the flash drive}
This section outlines the contents of the flash drive, which are two folders
``AB`` and ``DP``, one containg the files of Armin Brauns and one for Daniel
Plank respectively.
\subsection{Armin Brauns}
\item \texttt{external/}: External dependencies as submodules
\item \texttt{firmware/}: See \texttt{firmare/README.md}
\item \texttt{sim/}: GHDL wave options and GTKWave save files for test bench
\item \texttt{tests/}: High-level tests
\item \texttt{formal/}: SymbiYosys formal verification tests
\item \texttt{riscv-compliance-target/}: YARM target for RISC-V compliance
test suite
\item \texttt{vhdl/}: All VHDL code
\item \texttt{components/}: Various SoC components
\item \texttt{core/}: The YARM processor core
\item \texttt{memories/}: Various memory primitives, tweaked to work with
\item \texttt{simulation/}: Simulation models for primitives and external
\item \texttt{tests/}: Test benches
\subsection{Daniel Plank}
\begin{tabular}{| c | r |}
\textbf{Directory} & \textbf{Contents}\\
code & Code samples written for this thesis\\
dipl & The source code for this thesis in \LaTeX\\
documents & Datasheets and documents referenced in this thesis\\
MS1 & The original milestone test plans, high level design and documents for MS1\\
schematics & Schematics for KiCAD used in this thesis\\
textadv & The textadventure written for the hardware peripherials\\
\caption{Contents of the DP directory on the flash drive}