\documentclass[../../Diplomschrift.tex]{subfiles} \begin{document} \part{A short introduction to VHDL} Designing a processor is a big task, and it's easiest to start very small. With software projects, this is usually in the form of a ``Hello World'' program - we will be designing a hardware equivalent of this. \section{Prerequisites} Other than a text editor, the following Free Software packages have to be installed: \begin{savenotes} \begin{description} \item[\icode{ghdl}\cite{ghdl}] to analyze, compile, and simulate the design \item[\icode{gtkwave}\cite{gtkwave}] to view the simulation waveform files \item[\icode{yosys}\cite{yosys}] to synthesize the design \item[\icode{ghdlsynth-beta}\cite{yosys}] to synthesize the design \item[\icode{nextpnr-xilinx}\cite{nextpnr-xilinx}] to place and route the design \item[\icode{Project X-Ray}\cite{prjxray}] for FPGA layout data and bitstream tools \item[\icode{openFPGALoader}\cite{open-fpga-loader}] to load the bitstream onto the FPGA \end{description} \end{savenotes} \section{Creating a design} A simple starting design is an up/down counter. The following VHDL code describes the device: \lstinputlisting[style=vhdlstyle,title=\texttt{counter.vhd}]{vhdl/counter.vhd} In order to test this design, a test bench has to be created: \lstinputlisting[style=vhdlstyle,title=\texttt{counter_tb.vhd}]{vhdl/counter_tb.vhd} \section{Simulating a design} \begin{lstlisting}[style=terminal] # analyze the design files ghdl -a --std=08 *.vhd # elaborate the test bench entity ghdl -e --std=08 counter_tb # run the test bench, saving the signal trace to a GHW file ghdl -r --std=08 counter_tb --wave=counter_tb.ghw # open the trace with gtkwave (using the view configuration in counter_tb.gtkw) gtkwave counter_tb.ghw counter_tb.gtkw \end{lstlisting} \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{counter_gtkwave.png} \caption{Screenshot of the resulting waveform in GTKWave} \end{figure} \section{Synthesizing a design} An additional Xilinx Design Constraints (XDC) file is required to assign the signals to pins on the FPGA: \lstinputlisting[title=\texttt{counter.xdc}]{vhdl/counter.xdc} \begin{lstlisting}[style=terminal] # synthesize with yosys yosys -m ghdl.so -p ' ghdl --std=08 counter.vhd -e counter; synth_xilinx -flatten; write_json counter.json' # place and route the design with nextpnr nextpnr-xilinx --chipdb xc7a35tcsg324-1.bin --xdc counter.xdc --json counter.json --fasm counter.fasm # convert the FPGA assembly to frames fasm2frames.py --part xc7a35tcsg324-1 counter.fasm counter.frames # convert the frames to a bitstream xc7frames2bit --part-name xc7a35tcsg324-1 --frm-file counter.frames --output-file counter.bit # upload the bitstream to the FPGA openFPGALoader -b arty counter.bit \end{lstlisting} The current value of the counter is displayed in binary on the eight LEDs on the board. When switch 0 (enable) is in the high position, the counter can be advanced using button 0, with the direction set by switch 1. Button 1 resets the counter to zero. \end{document}