In early 2018, more than a year before the official start of the project, after searching for a subject for the diploma thesis, the idea of building a computer from scratch had come up. Multiple suggestions on how to implement it and the scope of the project were gathered. Originally, the goal was to design a computer consisting of seperate plug-in cards, one instruction would residing on each. This would open up the ``black box`` of modern processor design, showing the basic components at a macroscopic scale. The project's aim was later redirected due to concerns about difficulty, and an FPGA-based design was opted for instead. After several months of implementation time, the project was split into two parts: the peripherals and the core processor. During the development process, and to get back to the original goal of making a processor understandable, the peripherals changed from being implemented in VHDL back to hardware. This increased the required effort, but would result in a far more understandable final product. The decision to use a RISC-V based processor was made at the beginning of the project because the core architecture is well documented and modular, and because almost any feature not implemented inside the processor can be emulated using software instead. \subsection{Free software} \label{sec:free-software} For most of today's processors, documentation only exists on the execution of programs (the runtime), not for their internals. In order the have the biggest possible educational potential, this project is entirely "Free as in speech": All involved software and hardware designs, as well as all the tools and utilities required to create them, comply with the Free Software Foundation's definition for Free software~\cite{fsf-definition}. They give the users the rights to share, study and modify them at their will. In this thesis, the capital-F ``Free'' is used to refer to this definition rather than the meaning of ``free of charge'' or ``gratis''.