#include #include #include #include #include "util/hashtable.h" /* R5 hash function (borrowed from reiserfs) */ static uint32_t strhash(const char *s) { const signed char *str = (const signed char *)s; uint32_t a = 0; while (*str != '\0') { a += *str << 4; a += *str >> 4; a *= 11; str++; } return a; } int hash_table_init(hash_table_t *table, size_t size) { table->num_buckets = size; table->count = 0; table->buckets = calloc(size, sizeof(table->buckets[0])); if (table->buckets == NULL) { fputs("out of memory\n", stderr); return -1; } return 0; } void hash_table_cleanup(hash_table_t *table) { hash_bucket_t *bucket; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < table->num_buckets; ++i) { while (table->buckets[i] != NULL) { bucket = table->buckets[i]; table->buckets[i] = bucket->next; free(bucket->key); free(bucket); } } free(table->buckets); table->buckets = NULL; table->num_buckets = 0; table->count = 0; } void *hash_table_lookup(hash_table_t *table, const char *key) { hash_bucket_t *bucket; uint32_t hash; hash = strhash(key); bucket = table->buckets[hash % table->num_buckets]; while (bucket != NULL) { if (strcmp(bucket->key, key) == 0) return bucket->value; bucket = bucket->next; } return NULL; } int hash_table_set(hash_table_t *table, const char *key, void *value) { hash_bucket_t *bucket; uint32_t hash; size_t index; hash = strhash(key); index = hash % table->num_buckets; bucket = table->buckets[index]; while (bucket != NULL) { if (strcmp(bucket->key, key) == 0) { bucket->value = value; return 0; } bucket = bucket->next; } bucket = calloc(1, sizeof(*bucket)); if (bucket == NULL) goto fail_oom; bucket->key = strdup(key); if (bucket->key == NULL) goto fail_oom; bucket->value = value; bucket->next = table->buckets[index]; table->buckets[index] = bucket; table->count += 1; return 0; fail_oom: free(bucket); fputs("out of memory\n", stderr); return -1; } void hash_table_foreach(hash_table_t *table, void *usr, int(*fun)(void *usr, const char *key, void *value)) { hash_bucket_t *bucket, *prev; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < table->num_buckets; ++i) { prev = NULL; bucket = table->buckets[i]; while (bucket != NULL) { if (fun(usr, bucket->key, bucket->value)) { if (prev == NULL) { table->buckets[i] = bucket->next; free(bucket->key); free(bucket); bucket = table->buckets[i]; } else { prev->next = bucket->next; free(bucket->key); free(bucket); bucket = prev->next; } table->count -= 1; } else { prev = bucket; bucket = bucket->next; } } } }