class ForensicErrorCode: GENERIC = '9001' ARCHIVE_NAME = '9002' HASH_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED = '9003' HASH_STRING_EMPTY = '9004' HASH_STRING_NON_VALID = '9005' HASH_STRING_EXISTS = '9006' NO_HASH_FOR_TICKET = '9007' class ForensicErrorMessage: GENERIC = 'Error during the handling of the forensic evidence.' ARCHIVE_NAME = 'The archive name contains non valid characters.' HASH_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 'Forensic hash type not supported.' HASH_STRING_EMPTY = 'Forensic evidence hash not found.' HASH_STRING_NON_VALID = 'Forensic evidence hash non valid.' HASH_STRING_EXISTS = 'The hash string value is already present, meaning that this forensic evidence archive has already been submitted.' NO_HASH_FOR_TICKET = 'This ticket does not have any forensic evidence hash.'