from __future__ import annotations from piracyshield_service.base import BaseService from piracyshield_component.config import Config from piracyshield_component.utils.time import Time from piracyshield_component.exception import ApplicationException from piracyshield_data_model.forensic.archive.model import ForensicArchiveModel, ForensicArchiveModelNameException from import ForensicStorage, ForensicStorageCreateException, ForensicStorageGetException, ForensicStorageUpdateException from import CacheStorage from piracyshield_service.log.ticket.create import LogTicketCreateService from piracyshield_service.forensic.tasks.analyze_forensic_archive import analyze_forensic_archive_task_caller from piracyshield_service.forensic.errors import ForensicErrorCode, ForensicErrorMessage import os class ForensicCreateArchiveService(BaseService): """ Manages the upload and schedules the analysis for the evidence archive. """ importer_save_file_service = None log_ticket_create_service = None data_storage_cache = None data_storage = None data_model = None application_archive_config = None def __init__(self): """ Inizialize logger and required modules. """ super().__init__() self._prepare_configs() self._prepare_modules() def execute(self, ticket_id: str, archive_name: str) -> bool | Exception: """ :param ticket_id: the ticket identifier related to the archive. :param archive_name: the name of the archive. :param archive_content: the data content of the file. :return: true if everything is successful. """ model = self._validate_parameters(ticket_id, archive_name) # before getting to the expensive operations, let's check if the ticket exists if not self._ticket_id_exists(ticket_id): raise ApplicationException(ForensicErrorCode.NO_HASH_FOR_TICKET, ForensicErrorMessage.NO_HASH_FOR_TICKET) # the file is already in the cache if not self.data_storage_cache.exists(archive_name): self.logger.debug(f'Forensic evidence `{archive_name}` not found in cache') raise ApplicationException(ForensicErrorCode.GENERIC, ForensicErrorMessage.GENERIC) extension = self._get_extension(archive_name) if self._has_supported_extension(extension) == False: raise ApplicationException(ForensicErrorCode.EXTENSION_NOT_SUPPORTED, ForensicErrorMessage.EXTENSION_NOT_SUPPORTED) self.logger.debug(f'New forensic evidence `{archive_name}` in cache for ticket `{ticket_id}`') try: # update ticket with the archive name self.data_storage.update_archive_name( ticket_id = ticket_id, archive_name = archive_name, status = model.get('status'), updated_at = Time.now_iso8601() ) except ForensicStorageUpdateException as e: self.logger.error(f"Could not update the ticket's forensic archive name") raise ApplicationException(ForensicErrorCode.GENERIC, ForensicErrorMessage.GENERIC, e) self._schedule_task( ticket_id = ticket_id )'Scheduled analysis for forensic evidence `{archive_name}` for ticket `{ticket_id}`') self.log_ticket_create_service.execute( ticket_id = ticket_id, message = f'Scheduled analysis for new forensic evidence package `{archive_name}`.' ) return True def _ticket_id_exists(self, ticket_id: str) -> bool | Exception: """ Check if the ticket exists. :param ticket_id: a ticket identifier. :return: true if everything is successful. """ try: response = self.data_storage.exists_ticket_id( ticket_id = ticket_id ) if self.logger.debug(f'Ticket found for `{ticket_id}`') return True return False except ForensicStorageGetException as e: self.logger.error(f'Could not verify `{ticket_id}` existence') raise ApplicationException(ForensicErrorCode.GENERIC, ForensicErrorMessage.GENERIC, e) def _get_extension(self, filename: str) -> str: """ Extracts the extension from the filename. :param filename: the name of the file. :return: the extension of the file. """ _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) return extension def _has_supported_extension(self, extension: str) -> bool: """ Checks wether the extension is supported. :param extension: the extension of the file. :return: true if supported. """ return extension.lower() in self.application_archive_config.get('supported_extensions') def _schedule_task(self, ticket_id: str) -> bool | Exception: """ Schedules the archive analysis. :param ticket_id: a ticket identifier. :return: true if everything is successful. """ try: # schedule package analysis and upload to storage. analysis_task_id = self.task_service.create( task_caller = analyze_forensic_archive_task_caller, delay = 1, ticket_id = ticket_id ) return True except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f'Could not create the task for `{ticket_id}`') raise ApplicationException(ForensicErrorCode.GENERIC, ForensicErrorMessage.GENERIC, e) def _validate_parameters(self, ticket_id: str, archive_name: str) -> bool | Exception: """ Validates the inputs. :param ticket_id: a ticket identifier. :param archive_name: the name of the archive. :return: true if everything is successful. """ try: model = self.data_model( ticket_id = ticket_id, name = archive_name ) return model.to_dict() except ForensicArchiveModelNameException: raise ApplicationException(ForensicErrorCode.ARCHIVE_NAME, ForensicErrorMessage.ARCHIVE_NAME) def _prepare_configs(self) -> None: """ Loads the configs. """ self.application_archive_config = Config('application').get('archive') def _prepare_modules(self): """ Initialize and set the instances. """ self.data_model = ForensicArchiveModel self.data_storage = ForensicStorage() self.data_storage_cache = CacheStorage() self.log_ticket_create_service = LogTicketCreateService()