2024-01-19 15:26:37 +01:00

38 lines
942 B

from piracyshield_component.validation.rule import Rule
class Length(Rule):
Rule that checks the length of a value.
message = 'The value must be comprised between {} and {} characters'
minimum = None
maximum = None
def __init__(self, minimum: int, maximum: int):
Initialize parent __init__ and set the minimum and maximum allowed length.
self.minimum = minimum
self.maximum = maximum
def __call__(self, value: any) -> None:
Check if our value has the correct specified length.
param: value: a valid string.
# TODO: might want to handle this in depth.
length = len(value) if isinstance(value, str) else len(str(value))
if length < self.minimum or length > self.maximum:
self.register_error(self.message.format(self.minimum, self.maximum))