2024-01-19 15:26:37 +01:00

168 lines
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from __future__ import annotations
from piracyshield_component.utils.time import Time, TimeValueException
import jwt
import datetime
class JWTToken:
Class for the management of the JWT token.
secret_key = None
algorithm = None
expiration_time = None
def __init__(self, access_secret_key: str, refresh_secret_key: str, access_expiration_time: int, refresh_expiration_time: int, algorithm: str):
Sets the options.
:param access_secret_key: the secret key for the access token generation.
:param access_secret_key: the secret key for the refresh token generation.
:param access_expiration_time: time duration for the access token, set in seconds.
:param access_expiration_time: time duration for the refresh token, set in seconds.
:param algorithm: algorithm for encoding and decoding (default: HS256).
self.access_secret_key = access_secret_key
self.refresh_secret_key = refresh_secret_key
self.access_expiration_time = access_expiration_time
self.refresh_expiration_time = refresh_expiration_time
self.algorithm = algorithm
def generate_access_token(self, payload: dict) -> str | Exception:
Handles the generation of an access token using the configuration data.
It's a short lived token that needs to be refreshed periodically.
:param payload: dictionary containing the data to encode.
:return: a JWT token signed with the secret key and encoded in base64.
return self.generate_token(payload, self.access_secret_key, self.access_expiration_time)
def generate_refresh_token(self, payload: dict) -> str | Exception:
Handles the generation of a refresh token using the configuration data.
This is intended as a long lived token, used to periodically refresh the access token.
:param payload: dictionary containing the data to encode.
:return: a JWT token signed with the secret key and encoded in base64.
return self.generate_token(payload, self.refresh_secret_key, self.refresh_expiration_time)
def generate_token(self, payload: dict, secret_key: str, period: int) -> str | Exception:
Generate a JWT token with the given payload.
:param payload: a dictionary containing the data to be encoded in the JWT token.
:return: a JWT token signed with the secret key and encoded in base64.
# calculate the expiration time
now =
# add the issued time
payload['iat'] = now
# add the expiration time
payload['exp'] = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds = period)
# generate the final token
token = jwt.encode(payload, secret_key, algorithm = self.algorithm)
return token
# TODO: get a more granular error reporting here
except Exception as e:
raise JWTTokenGenericException()
def verify_access_token(self, token: any) -> dict | Exception:
Verifies the access token with the configured access secret key.
:param token: a valid JWT access token.
:return: the original payload.
return self.verify_token(token, self.access_secret_key)
def verify_refresh_token(self, token: any) -> dict | Exception:
Verifies the refresh token with the configured refresh secret key.
:param token: a valid JWT access token.
:return: the original payload.
return self.verify_token(token, self.refresh_secret_key)
def verify_token(self, token: any, secret_key: str) -> dict | Exception:
Verify the given JWT token and return the decoded payload if the token is valid.
:param token: a JWT token encoded in base64.
:return: the decoded payload if the token is valid, otherwise an exception will be raised.
payload = jwt.decode(token, secret_key, algorithms = [self.algorithm])
# check if it's expired
if Time.timestamp_to_datetime(payload['exp']) <
raise JWTTokenExpiredException()
except TimeValueException:
raise JWTTokenNonValidException()
return payload
except jwt.exceptions.ExpiredSignatureError:
raise JWTTokenExpiredException()
# TODO: should deal with more explicit exceptions on our side
except (
raise JWTTokenNonValidException()
class JWTTokenGenericException(Exception):
Generic exception as a last option.
class JWTTokenExpiredException(Exception):
Exception raised on token expired time.
class JWTTokenNonValidException(Exception):
Raised during the token verification, if there's no valid match.