Tobias Hachmer 94cb21daad Add a bunch of new roles
- Update Readme
- Update ansible.cfg
- Add playbook to set up gateways
- Add group variables
2017-09-11 23:21:44 +02:00

29 lines
1.1 KiB

# {{ ansible_managed }}
ddns-update-style none;
server-name "{{ inventory_hostname_short }}";
log-facility local7;
default-lease-time 300;
min-lease-time 300;
max-lease-time 300;
{% for mesh in meshes.values() %}
# DHCP subnet for site {{ mesh.site_name }} ({{ mesh.site_code }})
subnet {{ mesh.ipv4_network | ipaddr('network') }} netmask {{ mesh.ipv4_network | ipaddr('netmask') }} {
range {{ mesh.ipv4_network | ipsubnet(22, ipv4_dhcp_range) | ipaddr('net') | ipaddr('network') }} {{ mesh.ipv4_network | ipsubnet(22, ipv4_dhcp_range) | ipaddr('net') | ipaddr('broadcast') }};
option routers {{ mesh.ipv4_network | ipaddr('net') | ipaddr(magic) | ipaddr('address') }};
option domain-name-servers {{ mesh.ipv4_network | ipaddr('net') | ipaddr(magic) | ipaddr('address') }};
option domain-search {% for domain in mesh.dnssl %}"{{ domain }}"{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %};
option ntp-servers {{ mesh.ipv4_network | ipaddr('net') | ipaddr(magic) | ipaddr('address') }};
option interface-mtu {{ mesh.iface_mtu }};
{% if not loop.last %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}