# Install Prometheus server. # # @see http://prometheus.io/docs/introduction/getting_started/ # - name: set internal variables for convenience set_fact: prometheus_daemon_dir: "{{ prometheus_install_path }}/prometheus-{{ prometheus_version }}.linux-amd64" prometheus_tarball_url: "https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/download/v{{ prometheus_version }}/prometheus-{{ prometheus_version }}.linux-amd64.tar.gz" - name: set prometheus default options set_fact: prometheus_default_opts: "{{ prometheus_default_opts }} --web.console.templates={{ prometheus_daemon_dir }}/consoles --web.console.libraries={{ prometheus_daemon_dir }}/console_libraries" - name: install python-passlib package: name: python-passlib state: present - name: download and untar prometheus tarball unarchive: src: "{{ prometheus_tarball_url }}" dest: "{{ prometheus_install_path }}" copy: no creates: "{{ prometheus_daemon_dir }}" - name: create prometheus /usr/local/bin links file: src: "{{ prometheus_daemon_dir }}/{{ item }}" dest: "/usr/local/bin/{{ item }}" state: link loop: - "prometheus" - "promtool" - name: mkdir for config and data file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory owner: "{{ prometheus_user }}" group: "{{ prometheus_group }}" mode: "u=rwx,g=rx,o=" loop: - "{{ prometheus_rule_path }}" - "{{ prometheus_file_sd_config_path }}" - "{{ prometheus_db_path }}" - name: copy prometheus systemd config template: src: "prometheus.service.j2" dest: "/lib/systemd/system/prometheus.service" notify: - reload systemd - restart prometheus - name: copy rule files copy: src: "{{ item }}" dest: "{{ prometheus_rule_path }}/{{ item }}" validate: "{{ prometheus_daemon_dir }}/promtool check rules %s" loop: "{{ prometheus_rule_files | default([]) }}" notify: - restart prometheus - name: copy prometheus main config template: src: "prometheus.yml.j2" dest: "{{ prometheus_config_path }}/prometheus.yml" validate: "{{ prometheus_daemon_dir }}/promtool check config %s" notify: - restart prometheus - name: enable prometheus service service: name: prometheus enabled: yes state: started - name: create htpasswd htpasswd: path: /etc/nginx/htpasswd_prometheus name: admin password: "{{ lookup('passwordstore', 'prometheus/admin') }}" owner: root group: nginx mode: 0640 notify: restart nginx - name: write vhost template: src: prometheus_vhost.conf.j2 dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/prometheus.conf owner: root group: root mode: 0644 notify: restart nginx