This role installs apt and python packages on the target host. Necessary apt repos can be defined. It expects the arguments pkg_repo_list, pkg_pkg_list and pkg_pip_list to be filled. If any argument is undefined, the repectibe action will be skipped. See below for examples. pkg_repo_list: # example repo_keys: - cool_guy: id: "67678686" server: - smart_guy: id: "2f2f2f2f2" server: repos: - cool_game: repo: 'deb trusty main' update_cache: no - smart_tool: repo: 'deb trusty main' update_cache: yes # smart to have yes on last and only last entry pkg_pkg_list: # example - cool-game - smart-tool - python3-pip # remember this one when wanting to use pkg_pip_list pkg_pip_list: # example - smart-tool-py-interface # this flag controls the execution of the role; used to subdue if needed really_do: True