ITS WiFi Access Points Setup ============================ We build the access points in use at the space using the LEDE/OpenWrt image builder. The deployed images are completely hands-off no configuration of the running firmware should be necessary as all the device specific setup is done using `/etc/uci-defaults/` by keying off the MAC address. See [`files/common/its/etc/uci-defaults/50-config-from-mac`](files/common/its/etc/uci-defaults/50-config-from-mac) for details. Building Images --------------- To build the `its` images, run: ``` $ make its ``` the resulting images land in `images/v0.$(date +'%Y%m%d')`. The build system also produces a `*.image-manifest` file which contains the URL to the ImageBuilder used as well its hash and the corresponding image's hash. Using Released Binaries ----------------------- The offically released and deployed images are added to the repo using [`git annex`]( since this will not actually add the files to git but rather just a symlink containing its hash. The actual binary images can then be uploaded to an internal server. We also use git-annex to add secrets to the repo which will then only be available to authorized people using the internal git-annex store. For an example, see [`files/common/its/etc/uci-defaults/51-secrets`](files/common/its/etc/uci-defaults/51-secrets). This file just sets up secrets, such as the WiFi/root password.